
How to upgrade OpnSense

A quick note on some best practices on how to upgrade OpnSense. OpnSense Upgrade procedure Yes, I moved to OpnSense. I needed a firewall with an up-to-date IGMP proxy package and PFSense’s curr...

Best tool to migrate Windows settings to a different PC

A reminder for myself what tool I used to migrate my windows settings from my old pc to a newer one. The Tool The tool is called Transwiz. Transwiz brings over user profiles, no support for Azu...

quick fix: how to free some diskspace when docker container logging is filling up your drive

So you think you’ve done everything done correctly when it comes to container logging. Created a nice daemon.json in the /etc/docker directory that should rotate your logs Notice the word “should” ...

Can you skip versions when you upgrade a PC Engines APU2 bios?

A quick note to people who are wondering if you can skip versions when upgrading the bios of (in my case) a PC Engines APU2 The Answer YES YOU CAN! After googling a bit I could not find a defin...

How to reinstall a Single ESXi Host Running Your vCenter

Some quick notes on how I reinstalled my homeserver from 6.7 to 7 without losing any VM configuration The Challenge I was still running ESXi 6.7 from a usb-stick and I knew that going forward V...

Codewars Solution Arraydiff

A solution to an Arraydif challenge on codewars (in python). The Challenge Your goal in this kata is to implement a difference function, which subtracts one list from another and returns the re...

Installing Pritunl on Redhat 8

A quick write-up on installing Pritunl on RedHat 8. Intro Pritunl is a distributed OpenVPN, IPsec and WireGuard Server that I’ve been using for a number of years as my goto solution for: acc...

Script to convert VM readytime from milliseconds to percentage

Created a small script to quickly convert the CPU Ready time view of a VM shown in milliseconds to percentage per vCPU Been doing some work on monitoring some virtual machine cpu behavior cross-...

Welcome Back

Welcome back, Quite some time has passed since I got tired of fighting off hackers from my previous wordpress site. I’ve been seeing more and more people move to Jekyll to create content and publis...