Some quick notes on how I reinstalled my homeserver from 6.7 to 7 without losing any VM configuration
The Challenge
I was still running ESXi 6.7 from a usb-stick and I knew that going forward VMWare is no longer going to support this type of setup. So how am I going to reinstall the host from scratch that also hosts my vCenter without losing all my VM configurations ? Recipe:
- Shutdown all VMs except vCenter
- Make note if you have any VMs with manual mac addresses. If so collect that information
- Run the following one-liner from Powercli to save the location info of the VM’s to a csv file
Get-VM | Select Name, @{N="VMX";E={$_.Extensiondata.Summary.Config.VmPathName}} | Export-CSV -Path "c:\temp\vm-info.csv" -NoTypeInformation
- IMPORTANT: in vCenter disconnect the host (right-click, disconnect)
- Remove any PCIE passthrough & zwave USB devices from the VMs
- Shutdown vCenter
- Shutdown the host
- Remove the ESXi 6.7 USB thumbdrive
- Install ESXi 7 to a local SSD using the same hostname & IP
- After installation run this script to re-register all VMs again
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connect-viserver "esxi7-host.local" $csv = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\vm-info.csv' foreach ($row in $csv){ write-host "registering" $ -ForegroundColor Green $vm = $ $vmxpath = $row.VMX Write-Host "VM name is:" $vm Write-Host "vmx path name is:" $vmxpath" New-VM -Name $vm -VMFilePath "$vmxpath" Write-Host "" }
- select devices for passthrough (a HBA in my case) and reboot after selecting
- attach the PCIe device back to the VM
- attach attached usb devices back to its VM
- Start vCenter, login, select the host and click: “Connect”. Accept the new certificate Done!